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The Cambridge-INET Institute - continuing as the Janeway Institute


Rebuilding Macroeconomics Cambridge-INET Sustainable Growth Hub Workshop

Rebuilding Macroeconomics and Cambridge-INET are hosting the Sustainable Growth Hub Workshop at King's College, University of Cambridge on 16th March 2020. The aim of this workshop is to discuss the preliminary results of projects funded by the Hub. Presentations will be given on some interim findings to open up a general discussion and encourage a cross-fertilization of ideas from members of the Network. Each presentation will last for around 30 minutes, followed by a discussion. The workshop will commence at 10.00am and is due to finish at 6.00pm (tbc). We are also pleased to host a lecture by Sandra Batten (Bank of England) on the the impact of climate change on Central Banks.

Venue: Beves Room and Keynes Hall, King's College, Cambridge

Event Date: Monday 16th March 2020

Time: 02:00am - 02:00am

Event Contact: Marion Reusch -

Event Website

The workshop is by invitation only, but the lecture by Sandra Batten is open to the public.

The schedule for the presentations is given below.

Project: Integrating Macroeconomics and Ecology via Energy and the Laws of Thermodynamics
by Steve Keen, Tim Garrett and Matheus Graddelli
RM Discussant: Michael Grubb (UCL)

Project: Timescales and Investment Dynamics in the Economy
by Jean-Francois Mercure (University of Exeter) and Andrew Jarvis (University of Lancaster)
RM Discussant: Tiago Cavalcanti (Faculty of Economics, University of Cambridge)

Project: Modelling Transition Risk (TRansit): Towards an Agent-based, Stock-flow Consistent, Input-output Framework
by Tim Jackson (University of Surrey), Andrew Jackson (Surrey), Tim Foxon (Sussex) and Tommasso Ciarli (Sussex)
RM Discussant: Angus Armstrong (RM)

Title: The Impact of Climate Change on Central Banks
by Sandra Batten (Bank of England)
followed by Q&A session

Project: Green Product Differentiation and Innovation in the Transition to a Clean Economy
by Marion Dumas (LSE)
RM Discussant: Kamiar Mohaddes (Judge Business School, University of Cambridge)





Theme: transmission