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Corsetti, G., Kuester, K. and Müller, G. J.

Fixed on Flexible Rethinking Exchange Rate Regimes after the Great Recession

WP Number: 1711

Abstract: The zero lower bound problem during the Great Recession has exposed the limits of monetary autonomy, prompting a re-evaluation of the relative benefits of currency pegs and monetary unions (see e.g. Cook and Devereux, 2016). We revisit this issue from the perspective of a small open economy. While a peg can be beneficial when the recession originates domestically, we show that a float dominates in the face of deflationary demand shocks abroad. When the rest of the world is in a liquidity trap, the domestic currency depreciates in nominal and real terms even in the absence of domestic monetary stimulus (if domestic rates are also at the zero lower bound) - enhancing the country's competitiveness and insulating to some extent the domestic economy from foreign deflationary pressure.

Keywords: Benign coincidence, Currency union, exchange rate, Exchange rate peg, External shock, Fiscal multiplier, Great Recession, zero lower bound

JEL Codes: F41 F42 E31

Author links: Giancarlo Corsetti  

PDF: wp1711.pdf

Open Access Link: 10.17863/CAM.39165

Published Version of Paper: Fixed on Flexible Rethinking Exchange Rate Regimes after the Great Recession, Corsetti, G., Kuester, K. and Müller, G. J., IMF Economic Review (2017)